
How to foster a culture of innovation in large companies

Reading Time: 5 minutes

As the market becomes more competitive, the ability to innovate is no longer just a competitive differential: it becomes crucial for survival and sustainable growth. Large corporations, traditionally seen as less agile and innovative than startups, increasingly recognize the importance of creating and sustaining an innovation culture. But how can this be achieved in organizations that, by their very nature, may be more resistant to risk and change? In this article, we explore effective strategies to foster creativity and innovation in large organizations, and show that partnerships, such as those offered by Evox Global, can be an essential catalyst in this process.

1. Encourage an experimental mindset

Promote testing and learning: innovation thrives in environments where experimentation is encouraged. Large corporations should create spaces where employees can test new ideas without fear of failure. This can be done through internal innovation labs, hackathons, or intrapreneurship programs, where employees have the freedom to develop and prototype their ideas.

Reward initiative: in addition to allowing experimentation, it is crucial for companies to recognize and reward employees' initiative. This can range from public recognition to financial incentives for those who propose and develop innovative ideas.

2. Establish open innovation programs

Connection with startups: one of the most effective ways to foster innovation is through collaboration with startups. Large companies can leverage the agility and creativity that startups provide, bringing new perspectives and disruptive technologies to the market. Evox Global facilitates these connections, helping large organizations identify and establish strategic partnerships with startups that complement their innovation goals.

Incubation and acceleration programs: by establishing incubation and acceleration programs, large companies can support early-stage startups while gaining early access to innovations that can be integrated into their own processes and products. These programs can also serve as a platform to test new technologies and business models in a controlled environment.

3. Cultivate diversity and inclusion

Diversity of ideas: innovation is driven by a diversity of thoughts and experiences. Companies that cultivate a diverse and inclusive workforce are better positioned to generate innovative ideas. This includes promoting the inclusion of different cultural backgrounds, genders, and abilities, which can bring new perspectives to problem-solving.

Multidisciplinary innovation groups: forming innovation groups composed of employees from different departments and hierarchical levels can generate a continuous flow of new ideas. These groups can function as innovation committees, responsible for evaluating and prioritizing the best ideas for development.

4. Invest in education and training

Training in new technologies: for innovation to flourish, employees need to be updated with the latest trends and technologies. It is essential to invest in ongoing training programs through workshops, online courses, or partnerships with universities and research institutions.

Mentoring and talent development: large corporations should develop mentoring programs in which more experienced employees can guide and inspire the newcomers. Furthermore, identifying and nurturing internal talents with high innovative potential can result in leaders who will help drive the innovation culture within the company.

5. Establish strategic partnerships

Collaboration with innovation hubs: in addition to working with startups, large companies can benefit from connecting with innovation hubs. These ecosystems provide an environment conducive to collaboration between companies, startups, investors, and academics. Partnerships with hubs, such as those facilitated by Evox Global, help create a more robust and connected innovation network.

Cooperation with academics and research institutes: universities and research institutes are rich sources of knowledge and innovation. Establishing partnerships with these institutions can provide large companies with access to cutting-edge research and emerging talents, creating a virtuous cycle of innovation.

6. Innovation as part of corporate strategy

Align innovation with business objectives: for innovation to be effectively integrated, it must be aligned with the strategic objectives of the company. This means that innovation should not be an isolated goal, but rather an integral part of the corporate strategy. Companies need to clearly define how innovation initiatives will contribute to their long-term growth and competitiveness.

Clear and transparent communication: the importance of innovation must be communicated clearly and consistently at all levels of the organization. Leadership must demonstrate a commitment to innovation, fostering a culture where all employees understand their role in the innovation process.


Fostering a culture of innovation in large corporations is a challenge, but also a vital opportunity for the sustainable growth and competitiveness of an organization. By adopting an experimental mindset, establishing open innovation programs, cultivating diversity, investing in education, and establishing strategic partnerships, companies can create an environment where innovation is not only encouraged but becomes a central part of the corporate DNA. Evox Global is here to help large corporations establish this process by connecting them with startups and resources that can accelerate their innovation journey. Together, we can turn ideas into reality and ensure the future of large companies in a rapidly changing world.