
What is the ideal partnership model between startups and large companies?

What is the ideal partnership model between startups and large companies?
What is the ideal partnership model between startups and large companies?
What is the ideal partnership model between startups and large companies?

Reading Time: 5 minutes

The collaboration between startups and large companies is becoming a true powerhouse for driving innovation and growth on both sides. Large corporations seek agility and disruptive innovation from startups, while startups benefit from the resources and market experience of large companies. In this article, we will explore different partnership models — incubation, acceleration, and joint ventures — and how to choose the most suitable model for your organization.


Incubation is a partnership model in which a large company provides support to an early-stage startup. This support can include physical space, financial resources, mentoring, and access to a valuable network of contacts.


  • Direct support: startups receive practical guidance and resources to develop their ideas.

  • Cost reduction: operational costs are reduced, allowing the startup to focus on product development.

  • Cultural integration: the startup has the opportunity to integrate into the corporate culture of the large company.

Success example: Samsung Next is a successful corporate incubator, helping startups develop technologies complementary to the Samsung ecosystem.

When to choose Incubation:

  • To support early-stage startups and integrate their innovations into their processes.

  • To develop an internal innovation culture.

  • For operational support and infrastructure.


Acceleration is a model that offers intensive short-term support to startups, usually through structured programs lasting three to six months. Accelerators provide mentoring, workshops, funding, and access to investors.


  • Rapid growth: startups receive the necessary support to scale rapidly.

  • Network of contacts: accelerators connect startups with a wide network of investors and partners.

  • Market validation: Acceleration programs help startups validate their business models and products in the market.

Success example: Y Combinator is one of the most famous accelerators, having supported startups like Airbnb, Dropbox, and Reddit.

When to choose Acceleration:

  • For startups ready to scale and in need of intensive support in a short period.

  • For rapid market validation and access to funding.

  • For startups that have a minimum viable product (MVP) and seek rapid expansion.

Joint Ventures

Joint venture is a strategic partnership in which a large company and a startup create a legal entity sharing investments, risks, and rewards.


  • Sharing risks and resources: both parties share costs and risks, benefiting from their respective competencies.

  • Access to new markets: the startup can access the resources and customer base of the large company, while the corporation can explore new markets with agility.

  • Synergy of knowledge: collaboration allows the exchange of knowledge and skills, resulting in more robust innovations.

Success example: The joint venture between BMW and Brilliance Auto Group in China allowed BMW to expand its presence in the Chinese market, combining local experience with advanced technology.

When to choose Joint Ventures:

  • For collaboration models that require significant investments from both parties.

  • In shared strategic objectives, such as entering new markets or developing new technologies.

  • If both parties have complementary skills with synergy.

How to choose the best partnership model

1. Evaluate the stage of the startup:

  • Early stage: Incubation may be more suitable for startups that need basic support and guidance.

  • Ready to scale: Acceleration is ideal for startups that already have an MVP and are ready to grow.

  • Strategic expansion: Joint ventures are best for startups and companies looking to expand into new markets or develop technologies jointly.

2. Identify the necessary resources:

  • Infrastructure and mentoring: if the startup needs infrastructure and guidance, incubation is the right choice.

  • Investor network and market validation: for startups that need access to investors and market validation, acceleration offers the necessary resources.

  • Investments and complementary expertise: Joint ventures are indicated when both parties are willing to invest significantly and have complementary competencies.

3. Consider the culture and objectives:

  • Cultural compatibility between the startup and the large company is essential for the success of the partnership. Ensure that both parties share similar values and objectives.

  • Clearly define the partnership's objectives and how each party will contribute to achieving them.

4. Evaluate risks and benefits:

  • Conduct a detailed analysis of the risks and benefits of each partnership model. Consider factors such as control, intellectual property, and potential return on investment.


Choosing the ideal partnership model between startups and large companies can be decisive for the success of innovation and growth on both sides. Incubation, acceleration, and joint ventures are effective models that offer different benefits, as well as being suitable for different development stages and strategic needs. Evox Global has the expertise and network to help your company identify and establish the ideal partnership, ensuring that both the startup and the large corporation reap the rewards of this strategic collaboration.

By carefully evaluating the startup's stage, necessary resources, cultural compatibility, and strategic objectives, your company can select the most suitable partnership model and drive innovation effectively and sustainably. Collaboration is the path to the future, and choosing the right model is the first step in turning innovative ideas into reality.