Infrastructure for financial services
Banking as a service platform with authorization from Bacen to set up financial operations.
Banking as a service platform with authorization from Bacen to set up financial operations.
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Infrastructure for financial services
One-stop-shop platform as a service for banking, lending, investing, onboarding, and anti-fraud. Structuring the entire financial and operational cycle of credit products from leading market companies. Working with proprietary technology that allows for greater flexibility and agility for your product.
One-stop-shop platform as a service for banking, lending, investing, onboarding, and anti-fraud. Structuring the entire financial and operational cycle of credit products from leading market companies. Working with proprietary technology that allows for greater flexibility and agility for your product.
One-stop-shop platform as a service for banking, lending, investing, onboarding, and anti-fraud. Structuring the entire financial and operational cycle of credit products from leading market companies. Working with proprietary technology that allows for greater flexibility and agility for your product.
Technology was designed specifically to reduce your product's go-to-market time. Simplification of product complexity, so you can focus only on what matters. 100% proprietary technology Rest API High availability and frequency Built for developers Asynchronous notifications via webhook
Technology was designed specifically to reduce your product's go-to-market time. Simplification of product complexity, so you can focus only on what matters. 100% proprietary technology Rest API High availability and frequency Built for developers Asynchronous notifications via webhook
Technology was designed specifically to reduce your product's go-to-market time. Simplification of product complexity, so you can focus only on what matters. 100% proprietary technology Rest API High availability and frequency Built for developers Asynchronous notifications via webhook
No-code platform for building new revenue streams and financial credit with greater agility.
No-code platform for building new revenue streams and financial credit with greater agility.
No-code platform for building new revenue streams and financial credit with greater agility.
A multinational that drives innovation through a platform of certified startup solutions. Accelerates innovation with less risk and more agility for companies.
EVOX GLOBAL CNPJ 35.635.673/0001-00
A multinational that drives innovation through a platform of certified startup solutions. Accelerates innovation with less risk and more agility for companies.
EVOX GLOBAL CNPJ 35.635.673/0001-00
A multinational that drives innovation through a platform of certified startup solutions. Accelerates innovation with less risk and more agility for companies.
EVOX GLOBAL CNPJ 35.635.673/0001-00
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