Platform for Standardized Product Testing
Range of products focused on data analysis and business intelligence, allowing companies to make more informed and strategic decisions. Among the main products are: data analysis platform, data visualization tools, data science consulting and report automation.
Range of products focused on data analysis and business intelligence, allowing companies to make more informed and strategic decisions. Among the main products are: data analysis platform, data visualization tools, data science consulting and report automation.
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Platform for Standardized Product Testing
Solution allows to understand the relevance, uniqueness, and overall attractiveness of products and analysis of interest from different consumer profiles. Every day, the competition for brand-loyal consumers becomes fiercer and becomes a major business challenge. It is necessary to know their habits, preferences, and to anticipate their desires. Those who apply a continuous and automated process to accurately define the products with the highest probability of meeting the needs and expectations of consumers come out ahead. The Online Platform for Standardized Product Testing allows to measure the scalable performance of each product through attractiveness metrics, which can be analyzed by different consumer profiles.
Solution allows to understand the relevance, uniqueness, and overall attractiveness of products and analysis of interest from different consumer profiles. Every day, the competition for brand-loyal consumers becomes fiercer and becomes a major business challenge. It is necessary to know their habits, preferences, and to anticipate their desires. Those who apply a continuous and automated process to accurately define the products with the highest probability of meeting the needs and expectations of consumers come out ahead. The Online Platform for Standardized Product Testing allows to measure the scalable performance of each product through attractiveness metrics, which can be analyzed by different consumer profiles.
Solution allows to understand the relevance, uniqueness, and overall attractiveness of products and analysis of interest from different consumer profiles. Every day, the competition for brand-loyal consumers becomes fiercer and becomes a major business challenge. It is necessary to know their habits, preferences, and to anticipate their desires. Those who apply a continuous and automated process to accurately define the products with the highest probability of meeting the needs and expectations of consumers come out ahead. The Online Platform for Standardized Product Testing allows to measure the scalable performance of each product through attractiveness metrics, which can be analyzed by different consumer profiles.
• Selection of relevant insights for consumers; • Determination of how much people are willing to pay for each idea; • Diagnosis of opportunities for improvement in design/product; • Determination of the ideal mix to generate more attractiveness.
• Selection of relevant insights for consumers; • Determination of how much people are willing to pay for each idea; • Diagnosis of opportunities for improvement in design/product; • Determination of the ideal mix to generate more attractiveness.
• Selection of relevant insights for consumers; • Determination of how much people are willing to pay for each idea; • Diagnosis of opportunities for improvement in design/product; • Determination of the ideal mix to generate more attractiveness.
• Online dashboard; • Multiple users; • Advanced filters; • History of all tests performed.
• Online dashboard; • Multiple users; • Advanced filters; • History of all tests performed.
• Online dashboard; • Multiple users; • Advanced filters; • History of all tests performed.
Inteligência Artificial Generativa
Big data analytics
A multinational that drives innovation through a platform of certified startup solutions. Accelerates innovation with less risk and more agility for companies.
EVOX GLOBAL CNPJ 35.635.673/0001-00
A multinational that drives innovation through a platform of certified startup solutions. Accelerates innovation with less risk and more agility for companies.
EVOX GLOBAL CNPJ 35.635.673/0001-00
A multinational that drives innovation through a platform of certified startup solutions. Accelerates innovation with less risk and more agility for companies.
EVOX GLOBAL CNPJ 35.635.673/0001-00